Call to action: Feminist Land Platform

On March 7, 2023, FLP convened a round table discussion alongside CSW67, organized in partnership with OXFAM International and sponsored by the Ford Foundation, entitled “Expanding Women´s Land Rights to Guarantee Environmental Sustainability and Dignified Living Conditions. Thirty women from Latin America, Northern Africa, Africa, the United States, and Europe, representing women’s and feminists organizations from diverse constituencies and plural voices and analysis, participated in the event in response to the need to expand the size and quality of strategies for resistance and change, through building a network involving organizations that are working on women’s land rights and the environment.

Responding to FLP´s call to form alliances to occupy strategic spaces at all levels by engaging feminist organizations and leaders in active participation and decision-making processes affecting the lives of women´s rights to land, we agree on:

  • Positioning ourselves as a non-partisan movement focused on a contra-hegemonic, decolonial and anti-oppression resistance to gender inequality relating to land & natural resources. Hence every action we take goes against structural racism and all its facets, manifested in elements such as race, gender, class, caste, religion, culture, and sexual preference, among others.
  • Opposing the criminalization of social movements that threatens democratic processes and institutions, human rights, and human rights defenders, evidenced by the shrinking of democratic spaces worldwide through the abuse of military or police forces, often legitimatized by normative rules put in place.
  • Rejecting all ongoing forms of political/state violence and abuse through human rights violations which mainly affects women and children in all areas of their lives – health, education, housing, land, livelihoods, etc.
  • Rejecting militarization and imposition of global policies that go against resistance and rebellion of impoverished populations in their legitimate right to protest.
  • Supporting and contributing to an increase in knowledge, evidenced by local experience, in confronting fundamentalisms of a neoliberal and extractive system and authoritarian governments and neofascist groups which are putting democracy at risk and colluding with the ongoing regression of fundamental rights for women and LGBTQI+ groups, witnessed in everyday aspects of life – religion, culture, and education.
  • Acting as a catalyst – through messages, statements, knowledge production, and campaigns with elements from local-based organizing – thus challenging the dissemination of fake news and defending women´s rights to land locally, regionally, and globally.
  • Deepening regional analysis and consensus in defense of democracies by bringing together feminist women’s organizations with independent political partnership.
  • Promoting the Escazú Agreement, especially regarding food sovereignty and in defense of land and territories.
  • Fostering solidarity with other feminist and women’s groups, organizations, and social movements while strengthening the political agenda for women and their struggles on the ground over body-land-territories.

Call to action

As a call for action in our collective positioning towards a real transformative gender intersectional agenda for women’s land rights movements and supporters, we agreed on the need to urgently implement and advocate for the following:

  • Empower young women on political decolonial feminism.
  • Ensure that grassroots women, who are in the forefront of the fight for land and environmental rights, are listened to for what they need most from other sectors to help in the defense of their territory.
  • Strengthen movements as an important bridge for grassroots organizations to position themselves and learn from a variety of experiences worldwide.
  • Consider oppressive geopolitical and economic structures that exploit peoples and territories in the global south, especially women, in all analysis and advocacy.
  • Exchange strategies that as women we have built in the defense of our territory at local and regional levels.
  • Plan new strategies for advocacy across borders so that we can widen and strengthen our voices.
  • Work globally to position transformative practices and attitudes that create a collective agenda.
  • Educate men to learn and perceive their privileges, understanding that the bodies of women belong to women only and men must respect that and value it.
  • Work collectively in platforms creating solidarity, and support other women who are unable to express their voices due to oppressive systems.
  • Build information and knowledge from the ground to serve as evidence for advocacy, as international institutions need access to this.
  • Insist that donors be well informed by grassroots women and their organizations, understanding and respecting their work and needs based on their specific realities. Donor support must respond to the needs of these women, strengthen their local work in their different contexts, and enable them to directly advocate for and claim their rights at the international level.  
  • Conduct research on previously identified roots causes and understand how they are structural.

Considering pressing global challenges that threaten democracies, the environment, marginalized groups, global peace and life itself, and bringing to the center of all discussions our positioning and the urgent actions indicated above to bring about transformation, we demand  inclusion, participation, the end of all types of violence, and support for our movements at the community level so that we are able to conduct our trainings, exchange experiences among our movements, and continue to learn from each other.

      Finally, we call on everyone present at the CSW67 to join forces in the struggle for gender justice and women’s rights to land and territories as well as to unite, amplify voices and analysis from women’s struggles for diverse constituencies, building alliances to bring change to address oppressive practices and social norms for a just and equal society for all.

The Feminist Land Platform’s best resilience practices

There is a diversity of practices that show the richness of the territorial work carried out by the organisations that make up the Feminist Land Platform (FLP), a network of organisations that fight for women’s land rights in the Global South.

We’ve decided to map these practices to get a broader view of the work done in each territory and allow the other communities to learn and adapt tools and strategies to their local realities. 

The best resilience practices that were mapped focus on four thematic areas:

a) Women’s rights to lands and territories (successful tools and processes);

b) Political training for women’s leadership;

c) Agroecology and forest, land and territory management and;

d) Safe access to water.

You can find below a visual representation of the thematic areas included in each organisation’s work, followed by more information about each of the thematic areas and a list of some of the practices.

feminist land platform best resilience practices

Thematic areas


Agroecology has been applied in a variety of ways and it has proven to be a strong ally in managing forests, lands and territory.  For instance, agroecological practices and seed wealth preservation allow for women of landowning and landless class food and seed sovereignty. Additionally, backyard urban gardens for self-consumption have reduced food insecurity in which people find themselves as a result of the loss of their livelihoods. The development and maintenance of urban gardens responds to contemporary needs: community strengthening, landscape improvement, urban habitability, leisure, environmental education, use of rainwater, and improvement of the economy and food autonomy. Agroecology efforts have been carried out by Fundación Plurales, Espaço Feminista, Luna Creciente, MUDECI,  TIN HINAN, and UBINIG.

Right to land and territories

Women have fought to access their rights to land by using a variety of strategies to secure their ability to continue to strive and contribute to communities where they have chosen to live. These successful tools and processes involve accessing legal rights and building public policy that is culturally and gender sensitive and consonant with the relevance of historical processes of resistance. Initiatives include using technology to collect data that proves how long women have occupied their lands and dwellings, cases of expropriation, as well as collecting data that contributes to strengthening women’s security and autonomy in their territories. This thematic area has been implemented by five FLP organizations in Latin America (Fundación Plurales, Espaço Feminista) and Africa (Fórum Mulher, AZUL, and PWESCR).

Climate adaptation

Climate change has become a major threat to humanity. As a result, natural disasters, droughts, and shortage of natural resources have become commonplace globally.  Though it has affected all countries, climate change has had greater impact on the poorest and most vulnerable.  “The consequences of climate change now include, among others, intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity[1].” Initiatives focused on safe access to water to address climate change have been carried out by Plurales, Luna Creciente, and TIN HINAN.


If one considers that every choice is political act, then political awareness is an essential tool for transforming the world. Political training is one of the main ways to promote discussions and understanding about differences aiming for equity. When taken towards promoting autonomy and empowerment of women in different aspects and levels it becomes one of the pillars of the feminisms emancipation processes. Political training for women´s leadership initiatives have been carried out by Plurales, Espaço Feminista, Luna Creciente, Fórum Mulher, and PWECR.


This thematic area is often derived from political training for women leaders.  It allows for political visibility and perspective, from a general to particular contexts in communities. It targets actions to address violations by actors who contribute directly or indirectly to climate crisis and the damage to women’s territories and bodies. Hence, the most effective strategies to promote such governance is through the development of common intervention agendas which influence directly the ability of women to occupy positions of power. This allows them to make informed decisions that have positive impacts on their right to land and territory as well as increases their ability to address threats face as a result of climate change. Political participation of women – through the leadership they play in their communities and in the relationship that they establish with public authorities – is key to ensuring communal territory governance. The FLP organizations working on this issue include Espaço Feminista, Luna Creciente, TIN HINAN, and PWESCR.

[1] United Nations Climate Action. In

Best resilience practices

Country: Mali

Organisation: TIN HINAN MALI

Responsible person: Fadimata Walet ABDALAH.

Practice: Participation of the women of Banguikogho in the management of their forest area.

Country: Morocco

Organisation: AZUL

Responsible person: Amina AMHARECH

Practice: Application to collect cases of spoliation.

Country: Tanzania

Organisation: Pastoral Women’s Council Tanzania

Responsible person: Ruth Kihiu

Practice: Advancing the Land Rights of Indigenous Women in Northern Tanzania.

Country: Argentina

Organisation: Plurales Foundation

Responsible person: Marta Esber


  • Training at the Intersection of Environmental Justice and Gender.
  • Access to Safe Water
  • Reforestation and productive practice with the carob tree.
  • Women Environmental Defenders Program.

Country: Brazil

Organisation: Espaço Feminista do Nordeste para Democracia e Direitos Humanos

Responsible person: Anamaria Melo and Natali Lacerda


  • Productive inclusion of agroecological basis – Strengthening the autonomy and identity of rural women: agroecology, food sovereignty and network of women producers.
  • Feminist and anti-racist political formation – strengthening the identity and autonomy of women through formative processes and the strengthening of networks.
  • Land regularization as a guarantee of women’s right to land – Strengthening safety and autonomy – individual and collective of women.

Country: Ecuador

Organisation: Movimiento Nacional de Mujeres Luna Creciente

Responsible person: Clara Merino

Practice: Political training for women’s organizations in Ecuador

Country: Mexico

Organisation: Mujeres, Democracia y Ciudadanía A.C

Responsible person: Elsa María Arroyo Hernández

Practice: Urban Agriculture Training Center

Country: Bangladesh

Organisation: UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative)

Responsible person: Farida Akhter

Practice: Nayakrishi agroecological practices and Seed wealth preservation