Feminist Land Platform
How did it come about?
On July 4, 2019, ten women leaders from constituency-based organizations from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe came together to form the Feminist Land Platform.
This global platform seeks to challenge inequalities relating to women’s land rights, to highlight women’s leadership and feminist perspectives in all land struggles, and to take action on other gender justice issues.

Feminist Land Platform
Who is behind this?
We, the constituency-based organizations that form the Platform, have followed our own paths of resistance, fighting for gender equality in our communities under adverse conditions. The work of the FLP reflects the realities and demands of our collective experiences.
The current members of the Feminist Land Platform are: Fundación Plurales (Argentina), Espaço Feminista (Brazil), Luna Creciente (Ecuador), PWESCR (India), AZUL (Morocco), Fórum Mulher (Mozambique), MUDECI (Mexico), Pastoral Women’s Council (Tanzania), Tin Hinane (Mali) and UBINIG (Bangladesh).